Acne can affect young people and adults. Usually arises during puberty as a result of hormonal changes that stimulate the sebaceous glands excessively, causing seborrhea. The formation of blackheads, and accelerated the pace of actinic skin are also symptoms of acne. The stratum corneum of the skin clog the mouth of the gland, thereby forming a blackhead, and under the action of the bacteria provide to the inflammatory process that results in the spread of infection around the patient’s gland.
People who are most at risk to have a problem with acne, characterize oily skin by the face and body, which has a greater tendency to clogging of the sebaceous glands. Acne can also be caused by excessive stress, lack of rest, or improper diet. It is difficult to fully cure skin from acne, and it’s requiring not only a high degree of discipline but also the perseverance for long and complicated medical treatment.Damage to the skin and scars after disease can be very significant, and people affected by acne often feel unattractive, lacking in self-confidence and shun the company of other people.
Acne needs to be treated, otherwise the skin will be covered with scars and hyperpigmentation.
The most effective results in the treatment of acne is a combination of several methods, such as cosmetic peels, laser phototherapy IPL, dryness of the skin using a laser, which first arose reduce inflammation and rebuild the skin’s natural resistance and normalizes sebum. Scars can be removed by the impact of fractional laser, which aligns the grooves formed on the skin after acne.